Please note: if your Google Calendar is not set on the correct time zone, you will not see the correct times when you are trying to sign up. Please download step-by-step instructions for how to check your Google Calendar time zone.

About POWER Hour

The POWER Hour is a one hour, free writing consultation service for Texas A&M graduate students and faculty provided by trained, volunteer consultants. The POWER Hour is not a proof-reading or editing service.

What to Expect

During the POWER Hour, you will be able to discuss the writing process, learn about patterns of problems in your writing, and practical tips for dealing with those problems. When you attend a POWER Hour, take only a small portion (2-3 pages) of your writing for a consultant to read/work with you.

POWER via Zoom Video / Skype

Several consultants are able to hold a POWER appointment via Zoom video or Skype. If you are not on campus, choose one of these consultants to help you.

When scheduling, a consultant that utilizes Skype will have that information listed on their schedule.

Signing Up

Please remember that all of our consultants are volunteers; please sign up at least 48 hours before an appointment time. While Google will allow you to sign up for an appointment after that, we cannot guarantee that the consultant will be available or will be notified of the appointment in time to contact you and cancel. Additionally, please do not sign up for appointments more than two weeks in advance.


Who can sign up for POWER Hour appointments?

Graduate students and faculty at Texas A&M.

How far in advance must I schedule appointments?

Please remember that all of our consultants are volunteers; please sign up at least 48 hours before an appointment time. While Google will allow you to sign up for an appointment after that, we cannot guarantee that the consultant will be available or will be notified of the appointment in time to contact you and cancel. Additionally, please do not sign up for appointments more than two weeks in advance.

How far in advance can I schedule an appointment?

Please do not sign up for appointments more than two weeks in advance.

How many appointments can I sign up for?

There is no limit to the number of appointments, but please remember that our consultants are all trained volunteers and respect their time by making every effort to attend appointments you sign up for.

How can I sign up for a Skype appointment?

  1. Check to see who offers Skype appointments.
  2. Sign up for that consultant’s POWER appointment.
  3. Email the consultant to let them know you would like a Skype appointment.

How can I learn more about the consultant before we meet?